


Bilibili Chinese CS Learning Videos

Preface CSdiy has made great contributions to CS education. However, due to limitations in English proficiency and course difficulty, I would like to share some Chinese CS-related videos on Bilibili.

Computer Architecture#

  1. Princeton University - Computer Science: Algorithms, Theory, and Machines (GPT Translation)
  2. Computer Architecture (Spring 2024)
  3. National Taiwan University: Computer Organization 2023 - Liu Yiyu
  4. University of Science and Technology of China: Computer Architecture - Hu Weiwu, Wang Wenxiang
  5. CMU15213/15513 - Spring 2023: Understanding Computer Systems in Depth (English)
  6. UCBerkeley-CS61C: Computer Architecture (GPT Translation)
  7. Stanford-CS107: Computer Organization and Systems
  8. Hebrew University of Jerusalem: Building Modern Computers from Scratch (GPT Translation)
  9. College of William & Mary: Computer Architecture Modeling and Simulation (English)

Operating Systems / Computer Organization#

  1. Operating System Implementation
  2. Operating Systems Crash Course - Fall/Winter 2022 Peer Learning Recorded
  3. CSAPP - Understanding Computer Systems in Depth - Explanation
  4. “One Life One Chip”
  5. MIT6.828/6.S081 Operating Systems Course Tutorial
  6. Build Your Own Operating System from Scratch
  7. 2023 Nanjing University “Operating Systems: Design and Implementation” (Jiang Yanyan)
  8. Xiamen University - Principles of Operating Systems (Spring 2022)
  9. Modern Operating Systems: Principles and Implementation (Shanghai Jiao Tong University)
  10. Operating System Principles: Professor Chen Yu from Tsinghua University
  11. Understanding Computer Systems in Depth - Personal Explanation
  12. Understanding Computer Systems in Depth - CSAPP Key Reading
  13. Dr. Dng Companion CSAPP: bigONE “Understanding Computer Systems in Depth”
  14. CS162 Operating Systems - Fine Translation (Updating)
  15. National Tsing Hua University - Operating Systems - Professor Huang Nengfu
  16. CS537: Introduction to Operating Systems Spring 2018 (English)
  17. Sun Yat-sen University: Principles of Operating Systems - 2024
  18. Spring 2020: Nanjing University Computer Systems Basics PA Online Course - Wang Liang
  19. Teaching You to Write a Simple CPU
  20. National Taiwan University: Signals and Systems - Li Linshan
  21. Discussion on Signals and Systems
  22. Embedded Systems - Professor Li Qingcheng from Nankai University - Spring 2024
  1. Nanjing University “Software Analysis” Course 2020
  2. Write a RISC-V Compiler! Beginner-Friendly Practical Course
  3. Nanjing University School of Software Compilation Principles Course
  4. Hunan University: 2024 Top Computer Science Class “Compilation Principles”
  5. KAIST CS420: Compiler Design Spring 2020 (Machine Translation)
  1. Northeast University: Spring 2021 - 2022 Algorithm Design and Analysis
  2. Nanjing University “2023 Algorithm Design and Analysis” - Huang Yu
  3. Nanjing University “2023 Algorithm Design and Analysis” - Xu Jingwei
  4. Data Structures and Algorithms Basics (Qingdao University - Wang Zhuo)
  5. Learn Data Structures Joyfully with Teacher Lazy Cat
  6. Hong Kong University of Science and Technology: Advanced Algorithms & Advanced Algorithms

Computer Networks#

  1. Computer Networks - Easy to Understand Explanation of Each Knowledge Point
  2. University of Science and Technology of China Zheng Wu, Yang Jian Complete Set - Computer Networks (Top-Down Approach)
  3. Micro Classroom on Computer Networks

Programming Languages / Programming Languages#

  1. Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs (SICP, Python Version)
  2. Computer Language x86 Assembly Language: From Real Mode to Protected Mode (Operating System Boot Course)
  3. Programming Language Theory and Implementation
  4. CS Open Course: Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs (SICP)
  5. Fine Translation-UC Berkeley Open Course - CS61A [Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs] (Spring 2021)
  6. Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs (SICP) Python Version Tutorial (Recording Continues to Update)

Software Engineering#

  1. Nanjing University - 2023 Software Engineering and Computing I
  2. 2024 Rust Modern Practical Tutorial


  1. Database Systems (DBMS)
  2. CMU15-445 - Fine Translation (Updating)
  3. Department of Computer Science, Tsinghua University: Database Management Systems - Li Guoliang
  4. Chinese Explanation Version - CMU15-445: Database Kernel

Parallel Programming Design#

  1. Parallel Programming Design by Tan Guangming
  2. High-Performance Parallel Programming and Optimization
  3. National Tsing Hua University: Parallel Computing and Parallel Programming Course


  1. Distributed Cryptography: Dora Dōjō x THUBA
  2. New Fire Open Course - Basic Cryptography Series Course
  3. Stanford: Cryptography (with Translation)


  1. Zhejiang University: “Practical Skills Supplement” Spring/Summer 2023 Peer Learning
  2. Obsidian Open Course


  1. Homemade Bilingual Subtitles - A Lesson on the Lack of Computer Education (2020)

  2. CMU15-440: Distributed Systems (English)

  3. Digital Circuits (Corresponding to MIT Digital Circuits) - UP Host Explanation

  4. Peking University Professor Xiao Zhen’s “Blockchain Technology and Applications” Open Course

  5. “Intelligent Computing Systems - From Deep Learning to Large Models”

  1. Peking University Professor Qiu Weisheng Tsinghua Advanced Algebra Course 1080P HD Restored Version
  2. University of Science and Technology of China - Mathematical Analysis (B1) - Teacher Cheng Yi
  3. Peking University Open Course: Mathematical Analysis (Complete 112 Lectures without Series Part)
  4. Complex Functions (Complex Analysis) [Chinese and English Subtitles] Completed
  5. Mathematical Analysis Chen Jixiu Barrier-Free Remake Version
  6. 2020 Qi Zhenyu Teacher Micro Calculus Class 02
  7. Advanced Algebra - Fudan University - Xie Qihong - HD
  8. Discrete Mathematics - Northeast University
  9. Statistics - Personal UP Host
  1. Renmin University of China: History of Western Philosophy - Zhang Zhiwei
  2. Zhao Lin, Deng Xiaomang - History of Western Philosophy (Old Version)
  3. National Taiwan University: Logic - Fu Haozheng
  4. Kant Research - Deng Xiaomang
  5. School of Labor Relations: Aesthetic Principles - Spring 2021 - Yang Ning
  6. Introduction to Semiotics


  1. MIT Global Architectural History (4.605 A Global History of Architecture) (English)
  2. Fundamentals of Modern Social Theory - Chinese and English Subtitles
  3. Chinese and English Subtitles - Art History Crash Course
  4. Gombrich's "The Story of Art" Video Commentary Version
  5. Photography Guidance Open Course - VFS/Beijing Film Academy Graduates
  6. Director Open Course - Beijing Film Academy/VFS Graduates
  7. School of Labor Relations: Literary Theory - Fall 2021 - Yang Ning
  8. School of Labor Relations: Western Literary Theory - Fall 2021 - Yang Ning
  9. Zhou Chuanji Talks About Movies


  1. Hardware Tea Talk: Hardcore Popular Science
  2. Close Reading C++ Primer
  3. Computer Graphics Game Direction - Spring 2023 Second Iteration - Tan Jian
  4. Linux File System Nine Lectures - Chen Shuo
  5. DDIA Book Reading Chapter by Chapter Sharing
  6. Machine Learning - Whiteboard Derivation Series
  7. Chen Ming - Nanjing University 23 Spring - Object-Oriented Programming Basics
  8. Every Programmer Should Know Memory Knowledge (Taking You Through Ulrich Drepper's Classic Paper)


To be continued...

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